Weight Loss


I’ve covered weight loss a few times now but I want to give you some insight into how you can still achieve this during the lock-down. Before I go on, I want you to know that it is ok to still work toward weight loss, it is ok to work toward maintaining weight and it is even ok if you gain weight. This is a tough time for us and therefore there are some people that will find it more difficult than others to adapt.

For those that do still seek weight loss however I want you to know it is absolutely possible and in this blog I will discuss how I believe this to be the case. The important thing to remember is that we have to manage all three of the main principles in order to lose weight. Number one is nutrition/calories, number two is overall movement/NEAT and number three is exercise. In this blog I want to specifically address the exercise principle behind weight loss.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss – The Worst Kept Secrets

I hear it all the time…

“ I wish I could have a body like ‘Insert Name Here’. “

Now, I am talking here about comparisons to ‘normal’ people, people in the gym that others look at and say the above comment. They say it though with no real understanding or appreciation for what that person has done to look that way. Let’s forget genetics and age etc for a second. Here I want to share with you the characteristics and the things that these people do to look the way they do, to have people say things like the comment above about them.

Wanna know how they do it?
Personal Training Workouts Weight Loss

Get started with your Weight Loss goals in 2020 – Part 3 – Exercise

So here we go, it is time to talk about exercise and how to use it to help with your weight loss goals. Some of you may wonder why we have got to part three and we are only talking about exercise now, but if you have read the first blogs you will understand now the importance of setting goals first, working out how you will break them down before starting making changes to your diet and finally looking to exercise.

Weight Loss

Get Started with your Weight Loss – Part 2 – Diet

Personal Trainer


So let’s start with the ‘diet’, now I have put this in inverted commas because the first question people ask is “Which diet are you on?” Maybe you are thinking you should try intermittent fasting or the ketogenic diet, or maybe Slimming World is for you. You might even have considered the Skinny Coffee’s of the world of Boom Bod because after all you want a quick fix and that’s what they SELL you on. The truth is, you don’t need to do any of these. What you need to do is the thing that all of these ‘diets’ have as the main principle, the reason why they work – THE CALORIE DEFICIT.