Weight Loss – One Bad Meal Won’t Ruin Your Progress
Whilst in a group session last week, I asked one of my clients how her week had gone to which she responded –
“It was going great until I ruined it and had a Domino’s last night.”
This is a mentality that I hear about a lot from clients and people who seek advice from me when it comes to weight loss and so I thought it’d be an important topic to share some longer form content on.
Thinking this way about your diet and your weight loss is a sure fire way to create negative feelings around food, your relationship with it and your relationship with your diet. It’s often known as the ‘all or nothing’ mentality – the thought that things must always be perfect and if they’re not perfect then everything is wrong and you’ve failed. It’s a very damaging psychological mindset and is something that I work on with my clients when they begin working with me.